Saturday 19 April 2014

Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san ch03 released!

This is a pretty accurate translation, by the way, because "tsukkomi hand" sounds dumb.

Genji Monogatari/The Tale of Genji is a story about a pimp-ass ancient Japanese dude who screws everyone. Sei Shonagon was this totally hot babe who wrote the awesome The Pillow Book, which is basically Gossip Girl set in Heian Japan - no, I don't understand the fleeting references to them in this chapter, and if any of you do please take a moment to fill me in >_>

Also, the anime actually isn't that bad, I mean it's skipped about half of everything but the KLK/Teekyuu-esque stylings aren't the worst thing and Nekoyama's voice is pretty top-tier, but yeah anyway

TLer Note: I'm retarded and can't tell the difference between cats and dogs sorryyyyy
Don't think I'll need beyond v3, though.

Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san c03

Thursday 17 April 2014

Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san ch02 released!

We present to you a quality intellectual high class yuri manga that realistically depicts burgeoning sexuality in high school.

Or a yuri 4koma with sex jokes, that works too.

Anyway, with the not-so-good anime of this airing, and the original scans long long loooong dead, my current goal is to stay ahead of it so that manga nerds can spoil everything for anime-only watchers. It'll be like Hunter x Hunter, but mildly less gay.

This is my, like, third translation job and my first editing attempt, so please do excuse the general amateurishness! Thanks to everyone who helped, toooooo~

Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san c02
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